

When Did Early Humans Start Using Fire?

Man took a giant step on the way to the top by taming the fire It is possible that some species of people catch fire from time to time was used as early as 800,000 years ago. And 300,000 years ago Homo erectus, Neanderthals and the ancestors of Homo sapiens were already making fire every […]

How Has the Human Brain Evolved?

Although the human species has many differences, they all share several common traits. The first thing that catches your eye is the extremely large brain. The brain of an average 60-kilogram mammal occupies 200 cubic centimeters. The earliest men and women who lived before 2.5 million years ago, the brain was about 600 cubic centimeters […]

The Begining of Homo Sapniens

For a long time, Homo sapiens hid an even more terrifying secret. It is not enough to admit that we have a whole bunch of completely uncivilized relatives – once us also surrounded by quite a few brothers and sisters. We are used to looking at ourselves as the only humans because for the last […]

When Time Matter Energy And Space Came Into Being?

Matter, energy, time, and space came into being about 13.5 billion years ago, after an event we call the big bang. The story of the fundamental properties of our universe is called physics. After approximately 300,000 years, matter and energy began to combine into complex formations, that is, atoms, which further combined into molecules. The […]

norway history

History of Norway

This is the history of Norway after millenniums covered in eyes the coast of Norway became ice-free and the first migrators were nomadic people living of sailing hunting and fishing along the coast farming was eventually introduced and during the Nordic Bronze Age the union’s decreased trading began the Celts introduced Iram working setting the […]

Minecraft Pocket Edition Review

The pitch for Minecraft Pocket Edition is simple and promising it’s minecraft on-the-go the joy of adventuring and collecting anytime anywhere pocket partially delivers on this promise but if you play the other versions this one feels restricted thanks to its small world limited enemies and overall lack of features minecraft randomly generated worlds are […]


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